Friday, December 11, 2009


this is from a personal expierience i guess. although it really is true.

When you date someone for so long that you become far too comfortable with them, you get complacent and accepting of things that used to bother you. But when you start to let bigger things slide and you begin to accept a horrible attitude and verbal abuse and you don't leave the person giving the abuse, there's something wrong.

I did it. I mean, of course I still loved the person, but i didn't like her anymore, i didn't like the attitude she was growing into and the tendencies she had, but i stayed with her because i was comfortable and being single is a lot of work.

Comfort is a dangerous thing. It really is, because it let's you take so much that wouldn't get if you kept everything awkward. if someone you didn't know calls you a name or does something you don't like to you, you'll say something to them and make sure it's resolved, but if it's someone you know it's a different story. You push it aside saying, "oh that's how they are, their just jealous or worried or whatever." it's ridiculous. especially when there's someone out there who just wouldn't do those things.

obviously i am speaking from personal experience at the current time. I've learned so much from my past relationship and what to do and how not to be stupid. This girl is the first girl i met that i wanted to tell her nothing but the truth and it's weird. It's weird because i've started every relationship off with some kind of lie, Maybe i've learned my lesson, idk.

either way, i watch the things he says to her and how blatently disregards her wishes and i am in awe. i don't know, but even at my worst in a relationship, i'm still whipped and i've always been okay with that because it's who i am. but i'm watching this and it seems so one-sided. it makes me sick. i just wish she would realize....

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