Saturday, January 16, 2010


So several things I've want to post here but haven't had the time:
I've been pretty okay recently. I've been hanging out with scott a lot recently which is awesome. I've also come to the realization that I need to be single. Or not have an extreme emotional attachment to any female. I'm trying dating, I have one Sunday. I don't think I will like this girl/have a good time. blind date-ish. oh well. I got a ticket for having an expired insurance card, $180.00. thanks bridgewater. I'm liking work a lot again. I'm feeling a lot less down. This past month has brought me closer to my friends and i'm really happy for that. I have to go court on tuesday to testify against the guy i got into the accident with. should be interesting. going to philly on the 29th for the wonder years release show, stoked for that. possibly going up to boston in may for Skate Fest 2010. stoked at the possibility. my beard is getting long and i like that. there are a lot of good things. and i refuse to dwell on the bad.
i'm in a good mood. and i have been for days. i just wish people in new jersey would drive better.

i'm caught up on my rent. YES!

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