Thursday, October 15, 2009

don't call me mikey

So this week has been hectic, no sleep, mad work, stupid roommates getting me tickets. but tomorrow is friday and i'm hanging out with will and going to see where the wild things are, which i've been stoked about since seeing the preview in the beginning of the summer.

I know this topic is old but I do miss the feeling of having a real girlfriend, not a fling. not courtney, not amanda, not any shit like that. I've been talking to someone and sometimes it looks promising and other times it does not.

But i've realized that after dating an irish girl for 2 and a half years, i like the chase. i don't like it easy. i had a girl who basically wanted to be my girlfriend twice this summer to fall, who would do anything, and i passed that up to see where this "thing" or whatever it is would go. I mean, shes cute and she my type, but i don't like the easy route. we'll see what happens with this. who knows.

the title of this blog, by the way, comes from a funny anicdote. By now, you probably know who "mikey" is. A douche who wears guy-liner and played in a cookie-cutter hawthorne heights replica emo band, who also loves himself A LOT who stole my ex from me. but anyway, everyday at work a kid calls me mikey. now you're like, why does this annoy you? My best explaination would be I never want any comparison to someone of his nature. I'm not fake nice to get people to like me, that has never been my deal. I'm a fairly real person. So I tell the kid everyday, "Daniel, don't call me mikey, thats not my name, i'm not a tool." Yesterday, he asked me what a tool was, so i told him that a tool was someone who pretends to be someone they're not to gain the respect of the people they are around.

shit dude...are there any girls out there who are sane?

i know that one day it will all work out for me, as corny as that sounds. as a realist, optimism come rarely, but i'll take what i can get.

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