Monday, October 13, 2008


so, i feel like haven't written poetry in like years. so i guess i'd give it a run. i'll post an old one and a new one. please give me some feedback.

A Short Glance

i've speant the last few nights up later than usual
a basic over-analyzation of the words
or the few short moments of silence
so here i lay.
early in the morning or late at night
however you would like to look at it
tv on mute, music on loud
pouring my heart into a few short words
a three hour thought process
turned into a few short lines
and every thought consists of you and i
good and bad
young and old
everything in between moment with every thats makes it worth everything
and yet i still lay, i am still writting.
and the world can keep its empty hearts.

cause i want to call this our bed.
but i can't even call this apartment my home
when i fall asleep, i really meet you at our spot,
but sometimes you dont show...
should i give up?
i hope you say no

things will get better if you give it time.
things will get better if i give it time.
things will get better.


I've paced the hallways of this house
for the past 12 weeks
always the same thoughts
By the way,
the same eyes greet me everyday.
I've been wearing flannel
for the past 12 weeks.
I hide a lot more,
and go out only if I have to.
I've been listening to country songs
for the past 12 weeks.
and contemplate about how they tell my story.
and how about 130 weeks could disappear in 12 weeks.
I've been doing nothing
for the past 12 weeks,
but sitting by the phone
knowing you won't call
for the past 12 weeks,
i've made the same amount of mistakes
that i did in 130 weeks
and I've made million.


Anonymous said...

this girl you keep writing about, whats goin on? Sometimes your mad at her, sometimes your begging for her back. No one wants to read this crap.

Ran Tatter said...

hey thanks for the support. guess you never went through a shitty break up.
and obviously you wanted to read.